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Outdoor tables et tables basses meubles Gautier

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Düzgün üslubu tapmaq üçün biraz ilham lazımdır?

Let's imagine together the garden furniture of your dreams

Our in-store advisors will help you create the garden furniture that suits you

Çox məsləhətlərimiz, ideyalarımız və lazımlı göstərişlərimiz var!

Why will you love our outdoor furniture?

A sensitive, inspired design

Combining contemporary lines with a very natural feel, the design of this furniture brings a refined, relaxing touch to your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Lightweight and hardwearing

This garden furniture is very hardwearing and easy to move around with its ultra-lightweight aluminium frame, plus the materials we have chosen for our chairs, armchairs and sofas all have unique properties.

A collection to match your outdoor spaces

Our armchairs, chairs, sofas and tables create a visually harmonious look when you put them together; an elegant way to furnish a patio, garden or terrace as well as semi-open spaces such as a loggia or conservatory.

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Free assistance for your customized interior design project

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