Французский дизайнер и производитель вот уже 60 лет

Lit meubles Gautier



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Нужно немного вдохновения, чтобы найти подходящую модель?

Let's imagine together the bedroom of your dreams

Our in-store advisors will help you create the room that suits you

Воспользуйтесь советами, идеями и хитростями
Interior designers' advice

Как легко создать уютный кокон?

Interior designers' advice

Как правильно выбрать матрас?

Why will you love our beds?

Hygienic, comfortable beds

You can rely on our contemporary carpentry expertise! Our beds are perfectly designed to meet all your requirements in terms of sturdiness and comfort. Our beds set the tone and effortlessly create that stylish, restful feel you would expect from a bedroom.

A piece of furniture that plays a central role in a bedroom's decor

Our unique attention to detail extends right down to the smallest trims. Comfortably snuggled under your duvet, you'll appreciate the stylish look of our beds which are traditional as well as contemporary.

Practical beds to make life easier

The optional parts to add to our beds mean you can let your imagination run wild to create a simple room with a light, airy feel that's perfect for a great night's sleep. Try to maximise all your available space by choosing drawers to slide underneath your beds.

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