Французский дизайнер и производитель вот уже 60 лет

bureaux enfants meubles gautier

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Нужно вдохновение, чтобы создать уютный дом мечты?

Let's imagine together the ideal room for your children

We support you to imagine your children's dream room: furniture, decoration ... A complete project from A to Z for a space in their image where they can fully develop.

Воспользуйтесь советами, идеями и хитростями
Interior designers' advice

Как выбрать письменный стол ребенку?

Interior designers' advice

3 совета по удачному оформлению детской комнаты

Desks that make you want to learn

Smart, designer desks

Our spacious, timeless desks are designed to help your kids concentrate. Thanks to their neutral, understated style, they offer an ideal space for your kids to learn to read and write, to study and to let their artistic inspiration run free.

Practical desks for everyday use

A desk must be carefully chosen to ensure your children enjoy sitting down at it. Thanks to the wide desk top, your kids can give free rein to their creativity and will be encouraged to study. The built-in drawers and USB ports (depending on model) are useful features that they will love.

Our desks are made in France

Supporting the local economy is our ‘trademark’. Our desks are all designed using sustainably harvested wood from forests near our manufacturing workshops. Our solvent-free finishing products are water-based. We believe that your children should be able to work in a healthy environment.

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