Французский дизайнер и производитель вот уже 60 лет

rangements meubles gautier



36 результат(-ов)

Нужно немного вдохновения, чтобы найти подходящую модель?

Check our your future storage

Our interior design consultants work closely with you to understand your needs, choose your new furniture and provide a 3D visualisation of your home.

Воспользуйтесь советами, идеями и хитростями
Interior designers' advice

Вопросы, которые нужно задать себе, чтобы организовать и выбрать свое хранилище

Interior designers' advice

5 советов по обустройству небольших пространств

Why will you love our storages?

Our storages are practical as well as stylish

Our storages blend easily into your home. They help you save a lot of room by maximising storage space. With several drawers and shelves, our sideboards are extremely stylish and can be placed in your lounge as well as in your hallway.

Bold designs with the emphasis on modernity

The inventive, immaculate finishes on our sideboards give them a highly unusual look whilst bringing much sought-after chic styling to your home.

Essential storage furniture for your home

Our storage spaces are especially designed to hold all your crockery and table linen. Maximising this hidden space to give your living areas room to breathe is our key aim when designing these pieces.

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